Methodological equipment of the center

Methodological equipment with unique educational, developing and training games is extremely important for work with the children not only of early age, kids with special developmental needs, but also for children of primary and secondary school age. Our center pays a lot of attention to this. And this is not accidentally, because the lesson should be effective and efficient, the appropriate, high-quality, multidisciplinary manuals, developing and educational games are definitely helping our specialists. In our center there are more than 18000 of such games and the base of manuals is constantly replenishing. The methodologists of our center create their own methodological guidelines for each manual. They monitor closely all world tendencies of children’s developing games, visit exhibitions, conferences, seminars; cooperate with many manufacturers of developing games, educational aids.

We know well that the basis of developing games is an important principle of learning — from simple to complex. This principle allows you to solve several problems related to the development of creative abilities in the game at once.

Firstly, developing games can give food for the mind from an early age.

Secondly, their assignment stepping stones always create conditions that outpace the development of abilities.

Thirdly, climbing each time on his or her own to the limit, the child is developing more successfully.

Fourthly, educational games can be very diverse in their contents.

Fifthly, playing games with their children, fathers and mothers  acquire quietly a very important skill — to restrain themselves, not to disturb the child, to reflect and make decisions , not to do for him what he/she can and should do on his/her own.

The integration of developing games into the educational, developmental or correctional process has shown that the pace of children’s mental development can almost double. Of course, the games are not some sort of elixir of talent, taking which «in a day on a tablespoon» you can achieve the desired results. The developing games, obviously, cannot replace the program, methodologist, the aims and objectives of the educational or developmental process. This is only one of the means for developing abilities, and it will be the more effective and useful, the less there will be contradictions between the principles that formed the basis of these games, and the principles on which the entire system of children’s treatment in the family is based. But it is necessary to remember well that children have a visual and imaginative perception of reality, and any highly complicated information can be assimilated by the child if he or she has managed to «feel» it, «pass it through the fingers», and experiment with it.

The game is a magic wand that can be used to teach a child how to read, write and, what is more important, to think, to argue, to invent and to prove. The game is not limited only to the development and learning, but also it includes communication and interaction.

The game is extremely important for the healthy development of the child’s abilities, because it provides the basis for the child’s future ability to read, write, and count and think creatively. The game has an indisputable impact on all the aspects of the child growth.

While playing a game, the child is learning to search, crawl, walk, run, climb, jump, throw, catch, and balance — all this provides a tremendous potential for the development of physical (motor) skills. By researching toys, the child enhances the motor skills of his or her fingers and hands, which further affects the development of his or her mental, speaking and cognitive abilities.
Undoubtedly, mental abilities are developed from the first days of life. In the process of playing, the child learns how to make conclusions, suppose the relationship between the phenomena and the processes. Children examine the qualities of objects, colors and sizes of the surrounding items and all this through the game. As regards the speaking skills and the process of communication, here the game takes an essential part too, so in the process of communication the child begins to understand and apply the basic rules of communication with people.

Team and role-playing games develop social skills necessary not only for school: the child is learning how to cooperate, defend his or her point of view, and resolve conflict situations.

Emotional development is the essential part of the child’s life, starting from early childhood. In role-playing, and just in team games, the kid gets used to work with his emotions, be delighted to show his happiness in the public, masking sadness and disappointment at the right time.

I think, nobody will deny the fact that game activity encourages not only the development of intelligence, speech and thinking, but also fantasy and creative thinking. The child gains the necessary experience of life with the help of the game.

The game is a magic wand that can be used to teach a child how to read, write and, what is more important, to think, to argue, to invent and to prove. The game is not limited only to the development and learning, but also it includes communication and interaction.

Pre-school and primary school age is a period when you need to prepare the child for the perception of the complex learning material. In particular, it is necessary to develop cognitive processes, higher mental functions (attention, perception, memory, thinking, imagination), interhemispheric relations, which will become a solid foundation and the basis for acquiring new skills, will help to provide successful learning of the curriculum.



18000 developing and educational games

Our specialists have in their disposal toys of the best and acknowledged world brands and producers such as Learning Resources, Hape, EDX, Grimms, Miniland, Educo, Beleduc, Rolf, Djeco, Weplay and others.

Manuals for the development of mathematical concepts, logics and geometry

It’s a stereotype that mathematical thinking is not given to everyone. But in reality, mathematical abilities can be developed.

Manuals for the development of the proprioceptive system and high mobility

The craving for additional proprioceptive stimulus is generally visible from the outside.

Manuals for «launch» and speech development

Speech disorders can be caused by a variety of reasons: congenital abnormalities of the central nervous system, cerebral cortex, palate, tongue, psychological trauma, etc.

Manuals for the development of fine motor skills

Every parent has heard about the necessity of developing fine motor skills, but not widely known, why it is necessary.

Manuals for developing communicative, social and interactive skills

All parents would like their children to be brought up as happy people who are well adapted to adult life.

Manuals for the defectology and remedial work

Educational study and training manuals — games are very important tools in defectologist’s hands, which allow to motivate a child with peculiarities of intellectual or emotional-communicative development and include him/her in a complicated, but so important, remedial route.

Sensory development aids

Unique materials that are integrated into the work of speech therapists, early childhood educators, neuropsychologists and speech therapists to stimulate all the senses of the child — vision, sense of smell, touch and tactility, hearing.

Manuals for training in literacy (reading and writing)

Generally speaking, confident reading skills are one of the main criteria for a child’s success and particularly in learning.

Manuals for early cognitive development (for babies aged 7-month to 2 years)

Early development of the baby (from 7 months) is very beneficial for the formation of the child’s psyche. During the first three years of life, the baby’s brain is being actively formed.

Manuals for the development of Higher Mental Functions

In the preschool period the speech of the child is rapidly developing, as well as the ability to substitute, to symbolic actions. Also visually effective and visually imaginative thinking, memory and imagination are developing.


Manuals for emotional development

It is essential to develop the emotional aspect of the child. Numerous studies have shown that IQ is not so much important for the success in life as EQ.

Speech therapist’s manuals on the development of phonemic hearing, lexicon and coherent speech

Timely and full mastering of speech is the most important condition for the child’s adequate growth.

Manuals for the development of spatial representations

The most elementary forms of orientation in space are already formed in infancy, they are based on the complex optical vestibular and kinesthetic connections of the first signal system.

Manuals for the development of quasi-spatial representations (about time, parts of the day and calendar)

Time and space are the most difficult categories for pre-school children to learn.



Numicon is a program, system and set of illustrative material developed in England in 1996-1998 for children who have difficulties in learning mathematics.

Art Therapy Manuals

Art therapy is a treatment by the art. This direction of psychological correction is often used in the work with children; it helps them to relax emotionally, gives them the opportunity to express themselves and gives great pleasure to the participants of the process. It has long been proven that art therapy for children helps to develop fine motor skills, which speed up…

Music and rhythmotherapy aids

In the area of complementary medicine, there exists an absolutely scientific field, recognized by the doctors all over the world, which is called musical therapy.

Manuals for the development of designing and combinatorial skills

Children start building and constructing from the age of 1.5-3 and sometimes even earlier. And this is very favorable for the child’s development.

School preparation manuals (introduction to geography, biology, history, physics, chemistry, anatomy)

In our work we use a huge amount of visual material, innovative developments in the field of education and children’s development.

English language learning aids

Nowadays if a child has a well-formed phonetic and grammatical structure of his/her native language, the specialists recommend to start learning a foreign language as early as possible for several reasons.


Alternative communication system Pecs

Pecs is one of the means of alternative means of communication.

Centre telephones

8 (903) 520-03-54

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Mytishchi, Moscow ring road, ramp 93B, 3rd Krestianskaya str., building 23.
Navigator coordinates 55.892486, 37.714483
