
Violations with which we work

Autism, autism traits, Asperger’s syndrome

Autism, autism traits, Asperger’s syndromes, early childhood autism, atypical autism. One of the most actual and, at first sight, disputable questions of a modern science is a question of autism.

Sensory system dysfunction (tactile, vestibular, proprioceptive, auditory, visual, tactile and taste disorientation)

Dysfunction of sensory systems (tactile, vestibular, proprioceptive, auditory, visual, tactile disorder and taste disorientation). Children are very susceptible to external factors.

Dyscalculia (difficulties with mathematics)

Dyscalculia (difficulties with mathematics) Dyscalculia is a disorder expressed in the inability to study and understand arithmetic operations, as well as in the inability to operate with figures and numbers.

Down’s syndrome

Down’s syndrome is not a disease, but a set of symptoms due to the genetic anomalies, which creates special inhabitants of our planet — smiling, gentle and cheerful, and therefore «solar» — babies with Down’s syndrome.

Organic brain damage among children

Organic brain damage among children. The concept of «organic brain damage among children» has no clear and unambiguous definition. But it is considered that this is a complex of disorders associated with structural pathological changes in brain tissues.

Behavioral and emotional disorders among children

Behavioral and emotional disorders among children. It is generally assumed that children are amenable to colds and various viral diseases, although neuropsychiatric disorders are quite common among children and cause many problems as for patients as for their parents.

Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD)

Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) is a behavioral and emotional-voluntary disorder, as a result of which a child experiences the difficulties in concentration, assiduity, keeping one or more instructions, often «falling on deaf ears», and can be unsuccessful in mastering the school curriculum.

School «failure»

School «failure.» The school period is rather complicated on its own: constantly changing conditions, different teachers, heavy loading, stress… The periods of changing the leading activity and significant changes of the child’s daily routine in the first grade, during the passage to the secondary school and in adolescence are quite critical.


Left-handedness. Your baby makes the first attempts to draw something and takes a pencil in his left hand … Dear parents, do not panic and do not try to move the writing object in the other hand of the baby!

Attention and concentration disorder

Attention and concentration disorder. We hear frequently from parents that their child is inattentive, restless, passive, unable to learn the poem, fulfill an elementary request, etc. The same remarks are confirmed further by the words of the teachers at school.

Memory impairment among children

Memory impairment among children. Neuroacoustic stimulation according to the Thomatis method. The Thomatis method is based on specially processed musical melodies of Thomatis, Gregorian songs and waltzes. For more information, see Neuroacoustic stimulation using the IN Time method. This method is a real breakthrough in the therapy and neurology.

Underdevelopment of the cerebral corpus callosum (interhemispheric disturbance)

Underdevelopment of the cerebral corpus callosum (interhemispheric disturbance). The development of the child’s brain begins in a foetal stage and continues actively after birth.

Motor disorders (clumsiness, uncertain gait, tiptoeing, movement and balance disorders, bad handwriting).

Motor disorders (clumsiness, uncertain gait, tiptoeing, movement and balance disorders, bad handwriting). These problems are relevant for children who, as infants, began to sit, crawl and walk much later than others.

Minimal cerebral dysfunction

Minimal cerebral dysfunction .This disease is always rooted in early childhood. From an early age, the babies will have slight learning and behavioral problems. They are most commonly the consequence of birth trauma.

Tics and obsessive movements

Tics and obsessive movements. Tics are unconscious movements that are caused by the contraction of muscles (blinking, jerking of the shoulders and head, clenching of the lips, flinching, a slight coughing, sucking of the fingers, hair pulling, raising of the clothes, etc.).

Low neurodynamics, high fatigability, exhaustion

Low neurodynamics, high fatigability, exhaustion. School is one of the most important social institutions in the life of a child. Taking a baby to school, every parent mentors surely: «Study well, be an excellent student! »

Enuresis, encopresis

Enuresis, encopresis. Urine and faeces incontinence is a delicate problem for a child, but it needs to be solved urgently and without delay, and it may be occurred both in the childhood and adolescence, and even in the adulthood.

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Navigator coordinates 55.892486, 37.714483